Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

It's been a busy couple of weeks.  Last Saturday was my birthday.  We had a nice celebration at the house with C-Man, all the kids, plus a  kid's friend.  The fare was party-worthy but not too decadent, thanks in part to Corwin's smart contribution of cupcakes instead of a big birthday cake.  (Cake .... I love cake .... .)  Several friends have taken me out for birthday lunches as well, so while I haven't lost anything more, I'm holding steady.

The problem now is that I'm experiencing pain in my knees and back.  For the past three weeks I'd been working out 5 or 6 times per week, and feeling great!  A couple of my workouts include a lot of squats and lateral movement of the knees, which my poor, beleaguered knobs don't care for much.   As soon as my knees started feeling better, my lower back began acting up to the point where simply walking around hurts a lot, even now.  I've been alternating ice and heat, and taking copious quantities of ibuprofen.  I think for the next few days I'll just do some pilates and other ab routines.  That will continue to rest my knees while strengthening my core, thus helping my back.  I haven't exercised since Monday, and today is Saturday.  I'm afraid that if I don't get going on this soon, I'll once again have to start from zero.  That cannot happen. Today needs to be the day.  Ugh.

So again I'm picking up from a brief hiccup in the new routine.  It will be all right, and I haven't lost focus or determination, just a little momentum.  Meanwhile, I appreciate the comments and encouragement I get from you out there in blog-land.  Next post will be more interesting and amusing, I promise.  Maybe I'll even have some good news!


Stephanie Frieze said...

Happy Birthday, Irene! I'm glad you are having some happy celebrations and hope you heal quicly from you over done exercises.

Diane said...

Happy belated birthday!

Have you gotten any massages for your poor back and knees? If not, why not??? =P